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This is a super best selling espresso machine that’ll let them create  gourmet coffee house drinks right in their own home.

It has an integrated conical burr grinder that grinds on demand and delivers the exact amount of coffee needed right into the portafilter.

They can use any type of coffee bean and the unit delivers the optimum water pressure for the perfect cup of coffee.

There’s also a steam wand so they can froth up a pitcher of milk to top off their new expertly prepared coffee.

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Specification: Breville Barista Expresso Espresso Machine





Gift Type

Fashionable, Food & Drink, Gadgets, High-end, Useful


Foodie, Learner, Stressed, Work-A-Holic

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Man, Woman, Couple


Amazon Prime

Breville Barista Expresso Espresso Machine
Breville Barista Expresso Espresso Machine
Gift Dasher
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